Snippets and such
I've been working on the last round of the medallion, sewing the long strips and some more 4-patch blocks. Interspersed with this I've put together some of the Doors and Windows blocks, which are so easy that they mount up quickly.
Bonnie has been showing photos of her hourglass block and a little bowl of snipped-off dog ears. That reminded me of how I corral my little triangles to stop them floating around. I filled up this glass bear (finally) in 2019, but I was astonished to find out that the last time I posted about the bear was in 2011.
I confidently predicted that he would be full in 6 months time, and instead got another 8 years worth of snippets into him. I just kept packing them down until it was solidly full.....
and then found a glass pig to take it's place. I haven't even started the compacting process in him, so I should get at least 10 years more till he's full!