Sunday, March 28, 2010

The four-patch four-patch top is in one piece and I'm thinking I may add a pieced border, either checkerboards or piano keys.

I can see that I could have some fun with this design and really think about the colour placement, but when it comes down to it I wanted to use the scraps up and not agonise over every block.
So it's done, and there were some leftover blocks I didn't need that were sewn into a small crib quilt top. Now the box is almost empty!

These two lone blocks will go into the Drawer of Requirement until I need some little fillers, and I'll see what new project I can store in here. The sewing room abhors an empty container....


Anonymous,  March 28, 2010  

i'm sounding like a broken record, but i really love this quilt! there's so many visual layers, and yet it's very organized.
gotta make this one too!

Sew Create It - Jane March 28, 2010  

Stunning! What a great scrap buster!! thanks for the inspiration ;o)

Tazzie March 28, 2010  

Just adorable Mereth, you're really doing such a great job using up your scraps.
Hope you've had a great weekend, and caught a little of the rain up your way.

Laura March 29, 2010  

I've always loved double four patch blocks and the layout you used is so interesting. I love it!

Jan March 29, 2010  

The kind of quilt that I can look at forever. You are so talented. I so wish you would come to the US to show your quilts, and teach.

Quilter Kathy March 29, 2010  

WOW! How inspiring! I have just started with leaders and enders 4 patches and am getting into the habit of it now. Your quilt is gorgeous!

Meggie March 29, 2010  

So lovely! What a great result.

the writer March 31, 2010  

What pretty, pretty quilts! I love both of them.

Thank you for the eye candy on a rainy, dreary day here in New Jersey USA.

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