I've started quilting some of my small quilts on the Statler, just to familiarise myself with the computer side of things. Edge to edge pantos are the easiest, and I'm going to try and use all the patterns from one of my pattern packs. (That will take care of quite a few tops!!) This is Deco Vine, on the little rail fence, I think it turned out nice, and it was so quick to stitch out; even in hand-guided mode this would be blindingly quick.
I even bound it straight away- I can foresee a huge stack of quilts all waiting for bindings and I want to try and keep on top of them as they come off the machine. No doubt I won't succeed, but I'm going to try. As we went to Adelaide on thursday and have had an otherwise busy week, I'm already four quilts behind, but there's no harm in having high ideals, is there?

Keryn keeps shaking her head and saying "I can't get over that! These are such ugly fabrics and yet it's turned out so nice and cheerful. It's so much prettier than it deserves to be!" Yep, the alchemy of Patchwork, turning the dregs of the scrap basket into something useful and pleasing to look at . Gotta love it, and the red binding pleases me out of all proportion, I really adore this little quilt now!

Here's the next one waiting to be bound, this is a rail fence too, but looks more like a basket weave to me.
The customer top is in one piece and only needs borders added now, I seem to have been working on this for ages because I've been interupted by so much else. (Setting up a Statler?) The pattern by Anni Downe was really nice to follow, I'll have to see if I can find a link to put in here.

And just for
Sandra, here's the stole I'm knitting.It's called Leda's Dream by Pink Lemon and it's been lovely to knit. I'm using laceweight, wool and silk mix(can't find the label right now) and every night I try to knit at least ten rows before I go to bed. I look forward to it sooo much, it's been my reward for working so hard on everything else we've been doing. There's something both relaxing and hypnotic about watching lace grow, I haven't even come to the end of the first skein, so I'll have to knit at least as much as this again, but I'm not sick of it yet. As long as it stays cool at night I'm going to keep on doing this, I find it the perfect way to wind down at the end of our hectic days.

I'll have to go back and put in links whaen I've got more time, now I'm off the the Adelaide Quilt and Craft show so I'd better put my skates on....
I like this panto - sometimes they look so different stitched on a quilt. Rail fence is one of my favorite patterns and I like both of these. One of the things I love about string quilts is that the finished quilts look so much better than the strings or blocks do. It's always a treat to finish one and see the final effect.
That bright happy rail fence looks so special now you have it quilted!
Love seeing your work.
As for that magic lace.. so beautiful!
Your rail fence quilt turned out just wonderful!! Sounds like you are having a great time with your Statler. If I ever have one, she will be named Gertrude...
Grins, JulieQ
How I wish I could take you up on your offer to quilt some tops for me - you do such lovely things. I have a rail fence quilt somewhere. It's a PHD ( project half done ) Should dig it out and finish the top at least. Maybe one day I'll have a long arm machine !
Oh, it's beeeeautiful!! I adore the border. Enjoy the show - I really miss that one. I love the all-over patterns on scrappy quilts. I have 2 waiting for bindings and I need to get them done this week or else they'll pile up - and quilted tops take up more room in the UFO cupboard than unquilted tops don't ya know :-)
The statler is doing a lovely job.
So all those ugly fabric do have a home too. Love your quilt and the design.
I'd love to have a machine like that - it will be great to have everything finished so quickly. The rail fence looks great. I think it was in one of my Australian scrap quilt books where it said as long as you have red and yellow in it, it will look good.
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