Well, we did our best with the jigsaw, but the nasty discovery that there were several pieces missing from one section was it's death knell. (Funny that you can only ascertain this after putting 1500 other bits together-oh we laughed!) The printing is so fuzzy and the shapes will obligingly fit together in numerous combinations so you can't be sure that anything's right... Bah Humbug!!! We officially give up. And if Keryn hadn't originally posted about it, I doubt we would have persisted with it thus far.
To get my confidence back I quickly started this little 500 piece puzzle and much was done over one cup of coffee this morning. That's fun, not the sadistic torture of 3000, sorry 2992 piece monsters!

I love them both, but particularly the anvil one. I think the way you did the inner border is great. I know that feeling of being sick of it, so you stop where you are or else it will never get finished!
I love hard jigsaw puzzles - I used to do the kind that are almost a solid color or just a picture of oreos. Haven't done one since getting cats - I'd have pieces missing as soon as I opened the box. I am massively in love with your dogs. What sweeties.
I had to laugh at your comment why didn't I make it bigger....I tend to let my quilts grow to queen size all the time...its ok to have some twin size quilts!
Especially the ones I am just tired of working on!
I love the anvil one..congratulations for finishing it.
Can't wait to see the borders you add to the next one.
I really love the anvil one too.
I have been trying to make smaller quilts- when I manage to get any sewing done.
It does feel good to finish things and move on doesn't it?
I just quilted and donated two UFO's that were just sitting here because I didn't like how they turned out. Now I don't have to look at them anymore AND two children who wouldn't otherwise have a quilt will have something warm to wrap themselves in.
Love both your quilts. Shame about the jigsaw.
What a bummer that puzzle was missing pieces. I can't imagine doing one over a cup of coffee though.
I like your quilts. The dogs look like they are having a wonderful time.
I like your quilts, particularly the anvil one. (I'm a sucker for anything blue)
You think a 2992 piece puzzle is torture? Try looking at a puzzle called WASGIJ! (Yes, I've spelled it right) My DS got one for christmas, I think it may take a while.
Oh, aren't you smart, to get so many little quilts done...they are just wonderful!
I love the second quilt you made out of the leftover blocks from another project.
I admire your ability to focus on jigsaws....I just don't have it in me.
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