Now I have three quilts to bind; here is a Bricks and Stepping Stones done from Bonnies excellent instructions. I found this was a great pattern to use up medium tone fabrics and some weird florals. It went together so easily that I'm cutting odd bits for another one as I deal with my scrap pile. I love patterns you don't have to think about, and as long as you have the dark and light 4-patches, and the bricks from medium tones you can't seem to go wrong with this. Loved it.

I was prepared to whip this up quickly and put it in the local shop for sale , or my Etsy one, but I've grown quite fond of it now. Shan't keep it though, but I'll be sorrier to see it go than I thought. 

The pattern was blindingly easy, and again not much thought was required. I used up all the rest of the fabrics on a pieced backing like Bonnies and realised too late that I could have put a plain back on it and had enough fabric to make matching twin size quilts. I'll take a photo of the back soon, that turned out really pretty too.
The panto was one of mine called "Pashmini" which I hadn't used before, and it suited this quilt perfectly.

Bonnie says (coyly)

"Why Sir!! You do disturb me in my bath!!"
Your Bricks & DNP quilts are both wonderful. Congrats on getting them nearly done :)
Hi Mereth,
Again more beautful quilts and motivational too for others (like me) to do something fun with fabric.
Which version of instructions did you use for DNP? There are so many options around. Carmel
Love both the quilts! I did the same as you.. made a pastel DNP quilt and loved it so much.. I kept mine.
Awww, how cute is Bonnie!!
Love both those quilts. The pink & green is very pretty & I love your panto.
What a fabulous idea to use up the fabrics that are no longer your style. That sounds like a much better option to me than giving them away, or, gasp!, throwing them away. Both the quilts are pretty, and that panto is wonderful!
Great scrap quilts! And what a great way to use up the stash. That is my goal this year to shop the stash first. Thanks for the inspiring quilts, Terry
Love the quilts, and the poochie trying to keep cool.
Something just went wrong with the comment page, so I hope this doesn't appear twice. I said that I have made 2 of the Bricks and Stepping Stones, and I particularly love the 2 skinny borders from the same fabric as the 4 patches. Looks great.
Hey Mereth
Enquiring minds want to know! Who is your US distributor for pantographs? Might ought to put a link in the blog too.
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