I'm filling in half an hour before I have to leave and catch the bus to Adelaide. I'll stay the night with First-born Son and then tomorrow I head off to Sydney to meet Keryn for another gathering at Kaye Brown's place. I'll see you there blogless Kathy and I promise we'll have a moment's silence to think of you Nicola. Just the one though, I'm sure the noise level will be a dull roar for four days! What fun.

So I'm at a bit of a loose end just now, and thought, after looking at Lucy's lovely applique block that I'd share a quilt I finished three or four years ago. I designed the blocks myself after poring over countless 'Quilt History' books and photos on ebay. I just adore red and green applique, and I have a lot more ideas drawn out waiting to be sewn.

This was hand appliqued and quilted on my Janome 4000, long before I had my 6500. I don't really know how I managed to do it, looking back. Lots of swearing probably, that always helps.
I'm glad to say this won best of show at our local show two years ago, no misunderstandings like my first applique quilt.....
And I have a story to tell about shows and lace knitting, but that will have to wait till I get back from our trip. I've been doing this for 34 years and a good lace pattern can still make my fingers itch.I started this lace shawl because we shouldn't be getting such warm weather here at this time of year, and I thought I'd have at least another month of knitting at night. We'll have to see if it cools down again.
Mmmmmmm, lace.......
The applique quilt is truly exquisite - I'm in awe!
Gorgeous work Meredith. I'm there with you in spirit, I'm the green one.
What a beautiful quilt.
Your applique quilt in the green & pink is so lovely.
And I love that lace knitting. I used to love that... what happened.
O yes, I forgot, I got old! Bugger!
That is truly one of the most lovely quilts I have ever seen. Stunning !
wow, that is amazing work. it looks so authentic.
Love the quilt! Your REGULAR machine Quilting is amazing. I am so inspired....have been trying to make as many simple tops...to take back to the US.... Hoping to buy a long arm...but hey....maybe can do without one....if I could do one tenth the work you're doing I'd be thrilled! Thanks for sharing the photos. Colleen in South Africa
Wow! that's beautiful applique! I am going to have to put you in my inspiration file, that is so lovely!
also, about your last post...my sewing table looks like that when I am doing my letters, too!
Your applique quilt is absolutely stunning! What a treat to view the photos ~ I can only imagine what it would be like in person... and thanks for your comments on my blog.
Hi Mereth, this applique quilt is absolutely stunning - oops Julie just said that, but it is so true. It is amazing. If only I had half the talent and productivity you do. I was also admiring your wonky letters, and your scrap quilt - I am so glad you didn't throw away your strips and your tiny hsts.
Wow, that is a gorgeous quilt.
what an impressive quilt !!I love it Meredith.
( I am almost finished with my second block :-)
The applique is beautiful and I could probably do that if I had a go but OMG the quilting.........that's where my quilt lady comes in...........I was flat out to sew straight lines on that flannel quilt I did.........amazing quilting and also amazing chatting etc will by now be going on at Kaye's house.......have fun........
Oh Mereth, it is really a wonderful quilt! Your quilting is amazing as well! So glad you showed us.
What an absolutely stunning quilt!
That's a beautiful quilt, and the quilting is amazing. No wonder it won. It is getting hot very quickly, isn't it? 31 here yesterday. I can't think of knitting - it is definately a winter job, but lace knitting does appeal to me... I've been gardening like crazy trying to get things done before it is too hot to go out there.
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