How does this.......
turn into This?!

Middle son Rob graduated on Friday, so of course the proud Momma and Auntie had to go to Adelaide and witness the event. He now has a degree in Analytical and Forensic Chemistry, pretty impressive, what? I wish his Nan could have seen him too, she would have been as proud as punch.

This was a photo that Keryn took, and wouldn't you know it, I had my eyes shut so I've been cropped out. And Elisa ( the lovely in the second photo) informed us on Friday that it was exactly a year till the wedding. Better start looking after the nails and worrying about what to wear!
This is all the sewing I've managed to do lately , a pile of HST for a newish project. Oh, for a whole day in the sewing room.....

wow you must be so proud of your son....well done....what sort of work will he do with this qualification???.......get working on those
Congratulations Mereth, he is as cute as a button in both pictures and evidently had an interest in forensics right from the start. Looks like he was having a lovely time in that puddle.
Lots of love, patience and nurturing. Congratulations to your DS. You have earned the right to be very proud of him. He couldn't have got there without your love and encouragement.
Your newish project seems to have a reddish burgundy theme. Very nice.
He looked so smart--- even as a kid. Congrats to you both... He couldn't have done it without....share his excitmement....
Oh, Mereth, he is so handsome and what a marvelous degree. His work will be so interesting. That's a lucky girl there who's planning a wedding. You must be so proud.
Congrats to your handsome son. His degree sounds very impressive. What kind of job will he get with that degree?
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