Sunday, February 23, 2020

One of the groups of fabric that I want to use up are the scraps of big florals that I've used for borders or setting blocks over the years. Some of them are gorgeous indeed, but the patterns are hard to use in smaller pieces.

Included in this collection of perplexing scraps are the 5" squares from charm packs, which usually have a feature fabric of a large floral or paisley. These are just tiny snippets of an allover large design, and sometimes you can only imagine what the whole thing looks like. Small squares with random huge flowers, or parts thereof don't exactly inspire a lot of ideas.

I was looking through my saved pictures, and suddenly realised that this pattern might be  a really good way to use those awkward prints. I can't remember where I saw this- it has NY study group on it but they seem more modern now. Anyway, I started cutting the charm prints into 4 1/2" squares,  made a few connecting blocks, and I was on my way.
After making a few of the Puss in the Corner blocks I realised I could also find a place for some other hard to use reproduction scraps, strange stripes and large dark florals that were big enough to be cut into the 1 1/2 by 2 1/2 " pieces I needed.  You really need yardage for some stripes to work well in borders or fussy cutting and I had scraps and odd bits that were too small for either. Even a fat quarter of something like this Jinny Beyer print isn't really useful unless you want to do some fancy cutting and tweaking.

However these stripes were exactly the right size to cut a 2 1/2" stripe, which was then cross cut into 1 1/2" slices. Likewise these stripes were chopped up and became the darks for the chain blocks.

I was so pleased to find a way to use these scraps,

and I felt even more virtuous about the fabric disappearing into this project.
In the box of border scraps were the bits from mitred corners, and wherever possible I sewed these together so that I could cut a square from them.

Most of the patterns are so busy you can't notice that seam anyway. More bits gone!

I decided I preferred it set straight instead of on point like the original, and I've sewed together about 1/4 of the blocks I'd previously cut . I was enjoying the half empty container of scraps, but then  Keryn gave me all the squares from her charm packs that she didn't want, so  I've got a lot more cutting to do!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

 I've never been one to say no to scraps when they're offered to me, nor can I pass by a bag of fabric in the op shop.  I regularly get tubs of stuff like this from Keryn who loses patience with her leftovers and is glad to see the back of them. I deal with them by steadily sorting and cutting until it's all filed away in containers, or put with groups of fabric I'm saving for certain projects.

 I boasted to Keryn late last year that I'd got all my scraps under control and that probably made the universe prick up it's ears and laugh. Within the last  two weeks I've accumulated a washing basket full of bits and pieces, from op shops and two huge bags of offcuts from the local fabric shop. Even Keryn couldn't resist two bags that contained lots of  Kaffe scraps to add to her collection.

I've spent hours happily going through all this muddle of colour and pattern, sorting it into piles and pieces to add to projects already started.

Keryn often says that I'm never going to be able to cut up my yardage because I seem to use my scraps exclusively, at least for the start of a project. I usually think I can get a few blocks from scraps, but  more often than not all them are made from the bits and pieces. It's wildly satisfying to find a place to use all these leftovers but I have a huge amount of fabric in large pieces that I need to address too. Keryn and I made a resolution this year that we would try to make inroads  into the precious yardage and use the larger cuts we've hoarded for so long.

I still fully intend to do that, after I've used this lot....

Thursday, February 13, 2020

 I seem to have several groupings of fabric that I've set aside because I want them out of my stash but I have no idea what to do with them. Such was the case with a heap of black florals from the 80's and 90's that had me completely stumped.

I was reading Monica's blog at Lakeview Stitching and there I found the perfect quilt to use them up, along with another group of material; pale florals and soft pinks and yellows. Bonus!

I had tremendous fun making the sawtooth stars and the very dated fabric seemed to take on a new charm when paired with some newer spots and stripes. It became a very pretty project which I'm anxious to finish.  I need to put the final round of sashing on and then a wider border of a fabric that Keryn declared was perfect for this. I'm hoping it will be my first finish for 2020.

Monday, February 03, 2020

Today I got an email telling me a number of new people had subscribed to this poor neglected blog. It made me feel bad that there's been nothing new to see for so long and I often think of writing again. Keryn has been quite diligent about posting and sets herself goals to do more. I'm still having technical difficulties so that most of the time I just give it up as a bad job. Must try harder this year.

I read a quote last year- unattributed unfortunately, that said " We do not live as we would wish, but as we must"  and for me that has  meant putting my life as I knew it on hold when these two little monkeys arrived on the scene. I still spend half my day helping with them and their big sister so the rhythm of my days is nothing like it used to be. Quilting for others has taken a backseat but I still manage a few hours of piecing for myself each  day.

The twins (who as you can see are nothing alike) are two and a half and an absolute joy to be around. I'm spending my time  in 'caring for others'  mode, but I'm so grateful that I can help. I know that their need for me will lessen, and it will be playgroup and then kindy and after that school. Their big sister Isobel started school this year and I can't get over how quickly she grew up. Time with little ones, especially at my age is fleeting and I'm treasuring this opportunity to play such a big part in their lives. Quilting for others will be waiting for me when I can get back to it.

I've had very few finishes in the last two years, but a tremendous amount of piecing has happened anyway. Now I just have to put some of the blocks together instead of starting projects all the time. I've been storing up ideas and my list of "Must do"s gets longer all the time. Hopefully I can get some pictures soon.

Keryn and I often mull over how the direction of our lives has changed in the last few years. Neither of us thought we'd be where we are, doing what we're doing at our age. But we're happy and still doing our patchwork and being so involved with our grandchildren is a privilege many others would envy. So, forward into the new year, and see what it brings.....

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