It's the second day of a long weekend, and I'm enjoying pottering from one task to the other. This morning I sorted and trimmed a pile of scraps that Keryn had given me, so they're all put away and tidy. I cut some shapes for the projects that I'm working on now, and the rest were strips and squares to go in the drawers. Keryn seems to get overwhelmed by the amount of scraps her sewing room produces, and she's happy to clear them all out by giving them to me- who am I to complain?
I've also cleaned out the fridge and I have vegetable soup on the stove and a curry for tea tonight, so the house smells very nice, and I won't have to stop sewing to cook later on. I have two tops pulled out to put borders on, so there's nothing on my design wall just now. But I found some photos I took before Christmas that I forgot to share.
This is the first one I did, because I had the setting pieces lying on the cutting table, and I found the nine patches in the spare parts drawer. It's vaguely Christmassy and I hoped to get it quilted so I could hang it up, but didn't have time.
Then I found some squ in squ units and made this, which I love even though it's not symetrical.
Then I made some tiny hour glasses (they finish at 2") from scrap triangles and came up with this top, which is the smallest one. I found it hard to keep them little, most of my ideas had them turning into much larger pieces that would still have been nice, but too big to dispaly in one group.
Some leftover hour glasses turned into this square, tipped on point and surrounded by borders. The stripe was fun to do and I was really pleased with the effect.
I got so busy that I had to put these away so nothing is finished, and there are two or three more waiting to be sewn together. It was tremendous fun, and the more I played, the more ideas I had. I don't own a wall big enough to hang dozens of little quilts, but I can have a few grouped together. They don't take up much space in the cupboard either, so I can see many more of these fun projects in the future.