Monday, August 26, 2013

 I went through the block containers and found these fourpatch blocks that were ready to set together. I was going to make the top  much bigger, but I think I'll start again with different fabrics. I was basing them on an antique quilt in a book, and I strayed a bit too far from the original when I was using up odd scraps.

 This will be alright as a smaller lap quilt, and I can cut another one out later on and kit it up.

I'm debating whether to leave it asymmetical as it is now, or make extra blocks to balance it. I'll decide later, when I've got the last two rows sewn onto the main piece.
 These blocks have seved their purpose;  they were just sitting there, they were easy to put together and required no thinking on my part. And best of all, they weren't my pastel strippy!

Instead of just cutting the strips to length I'm using the blue triangles across the top and bottom too. It looks nice, but makes it a bit more time consuming. Let's hope I make them all the same length, or there will be some unpicking and some swearing....


Sandy August 27, 2013  

Isn't it great when you find something "ready to go" like that? Just a little more work and ... voila! A quilt top! I don't know what quilt you were trying to reproduce, but I sure love this one. So soft, and old looking.

Do you ever think its crazy that we're all so enamored with "old" ?

Maybe I should speak for myself ~

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