Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Double Reel/ Jacobs Ladder is done and waiting for it's binding.I used Keryn's Square Spiral panto and it turned out very nicely.

I used cotton as the batting, so I wanted it to be quilted fairly densely and evenly.
It actually looks better on the back with all that piecing.
It's fairly straight but not centred, the side borders are slightly different widths. If it was crooked I wouldn't have been happy but on a bed you never see both sides at the same time so what will it matter?

This is the Little Crosses set together, after years of arguing with me about what they wanted to be. Now I have to got through the whole process again as I find out what sort of borders they'll consent to have, but I'm liking it so far.

It's nice and soft and old-looking.

I finished nine more blocks for my unshown project to make a total of twenty.
I now have piles of half square triangles already sewn from my mystery project and a stack of pink and cream HST for a UFO.
I sewed the two complete Flying Crosses blocks and the units for four more,

and then I unpicked the borders on this top that I finished a while ago. I'd never been happy with the width of the navy border, so I bit the bullet and unstitched them. Not that much work, and I'm pleased with it now.

And that's my Marathon,- I got heaps done, and now I'm off to put my feet up. Thanks Judy, it was fun!

I finished the Bricks and Stepping Stones and if you like purple it's great. I used one of my pantos called Indira, and I love how it turned out.
Very nice on the back.
I loaded this top Saturday afternoon, longterm readers may remember it from this post.
It has another top as it's backing, and as I finished quilting it at 12.30 pm I haven't unloaded it from the frame yet. I don't know how square and centred it is, but here's hoping it's alright.
I sewed these blocks together, but haven't got an overall photo yet and I finished the set of blocks that I can't show you. So day one of the marathon was pretty productive, roll on day two!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Last night after tea Keryn and I started Judy' marathon. I loaded my Bricks and Stepping Stones and started Millhouse stitching on that and then I pieced a scrap pattern on Queenie. Keryn was busy cutting scraps and we had some folk music up loud to drown out the Friday night crowd at the pub across the road. And sang along, so heaven knows what they thought!

By 12.30 I'd nearly finished quilting and Keryn had emptied one scrap drawer, and I'd completed all the little steps for my scrap pattern. I can't reveal what it's going to be, but it felt good to have it ready to piece into blocks.

I went home at 1.30 and this morning I've been flitting from one thing to the next. I'm making these units for another set of blocks,
some scrap puss-in-the-corner blocks

and setting these little Cross blocks together. I'm all over the place like a mad woman's breakfast but I'm getting things done. I want lots to report at the end of the weekend!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Another spell of hot weather is making it hard to quilt during the day. I started yesterday at 6.20, but that was too late, so I got up at 4 this morning and will turn the machine on at five.
The first customer quilt for 2010 was a huge 100" square Ohio Star which took quite a while to do. But it turned out nicely and we were able to turn Millhouse off and let him cool down before the hottest part of the day. Sometimes the computer part has a little hissy fit when it's too hot and we have to restart everything- the machine can handle the cold far better than the heat.
I went home and came back- I was going to say ' in the cool of the evening', but there was no cool. When Keryn was watering some things in the garden I wandered out carrying a thermometer and at 7 pm it was 120 degrees in the late sunlight. But only 100 on the back verandah, and believe me, that felt cool! I know you shouldn't measure the temperature in the sunlight, but I was just curious.

I then loaded another top, recognise this Brenda? This is all batiks and looked very cool and pretty and foresty, but it was still too hot to turn Millhouse on and the insects had come out. So it will be started this morning instead, when I can open all the doors and get some cool(ish) air into the workroom.
Have I mentioned before that I hate summer? I'm reading the northern blogs with longing, thinking of their snow and cosy fires, of knitting and snuggling under quilts. I miss my wool socks and polar fleece and rain and clouds and homemade soup. Sigh. It's usually hot well into March here, so I'd better stop complaining right now.

Friday, January 01, 2010

These album blocks have been on my design wall for ages, but I finally made the effort and got them set together last week. I have no idea what I'll do for the border, I think it may end up being a pieced one. For the moment I'm happy to have got it this far, and the design wall is ready for another project.
I do love paisleys, and I gathered quite a few before I began this. I've still got quite a collection though, these blocks didn't use nearly enough to make a dent.

It's still hot here, and the dogs like to share a communal dip to cool off.
The family that bathes together, stays together.

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