Vintage Star
I've been trying hard this year to use up some of the different types of fabric I have.There's a huge stash of vintage material I've been collecting over the years and treasuring/hoarding. I'm realising, finally, that if it's 'too precious' to use I might as well sell it all. So I picked a pattern and started cutting.
They went together quickly and I chose sashing colours without too much fuss. I thought I was cheating because the pale yellow I used wasn't vintage, but then I realised it's thirty years old anyway, so it was getting on in age.
(Excuse the dreadful photo, my design wall is always in shadow)
This was a twelve inch Rolling Star type block, and I kitted 20 blocks quite easily. There were some fabrics that were pretty much used up, especially the lights, but I found that it's going to take a few tops to make a dent in the overall stash. That somehow makes the fabrics more useable because I'm not going run out any time soon. I intend to kit up a few more projects before I put the fabrics away again.
They went together quickly and I chose sashing colours without too much fuss. I thought I was cheating because the pale yellow I used wasn't vintage, but then I realised it's thirty years old anyway, so it was getting on in age.
(Excuse the dreadful photo, my design wall is always in shadow)
Then I made border units of three and a half inch pinwheels and continued the sashing out to the final border, a vintage green gingham. I can't get the colours to read true, it's much warmer and prettier in real life.
It's fun using these old fabrics, finally cutting into some of the most precious ones.