Sunday, October 24, 2021

I decided to just put a simple border on the last project and I think it's enough to finish it off. I don't know what to call this pattern;  I'd been thinking of it as "Cobblestone Corner", just so I had something to name it. 

My attention was caught by a set of blocks that have been languishing for years in a drawer- I was looking for something else entirely, which failed to materialise and I thought "Why not?" My sewing motivation seems a bit fickle these days but I'm going with the motto of "progress on any front."

I tried to find a photo of these checkerboard/album blocks so I could date them but I can't have documented them at the time. I searched the blog and there was a post in June 2011 about working on them. Ten years ago?!! I really don't understand how that happens, but here we are, a decade later and I've finally got around to setting them together. 

There was zero agonising about the set or the sashing and the borders are already decided, which is amazing, considering my normal working method of dithering and trying multiple fabrics and being flummoxed by borders to the point of paralysis.

I need to pick another project to finish straight away, before I revert to my usual indecision...

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