Thursday, September 16, 2021

The blocks are set together

The top is in one piece and I think I'll just have a narrow border and then the binding. It's only about 72" square, but I didn't want a big quilt anyway. I'm happy with this and I didn't get sick of making it, which sometimes happens with such repetitive patterns.

Now I can put away the fabrics, tidy up and get stuck into the next project....

Monday, September 13, 2021

The right time

I saved this photo on ebay more than 20 years ago and have always wanted to recreate the pattern. It's funny how I've looked at this for so long and suddenly it seems the right time to start it. I love the stripes and madders and browns, and also the variations in the lights. They make subtle stripes across the quilt and I knew the challenge of that would keep me interested.

I wanted the pink to be one constant fabric but I only had about a metre of the 'perfect' choice. My back-up stash (Keryn) didn't have any to contribute so I knew I'd have to be careful and eke it out. 

I started using flippy corners, but my goodness, the waste! I knew that couldn't continue.


The cut-off corners from two blocks equaled nearly a 3" square: Unacceptable!! And no, they are far too tiny to piece together. They would be less than a 1" square when finished and I'm not going there.

So I tried triangles with the corners nubbed, hoping that would still allow me to position the corner correctly without having to waste that precious pink fabric. 

I had to be pretty careful, but it worked. Not all the blocks and intersections are perfect but the pattern is very forgiving and I made great progress.

I'm so far along I'm wondering if I need to have a border or just a binding and looking forward to putting all the browns away for a spell.

Saturday, September 04, 2021

Life is busy, as always, looking after these two gorgeous girls. Big sister Izzy is in her second year of school but their birthday is about two weeks beyond the cut-off for school and kindy intake. That means the twins won't go to kindy until next year and to school the year after that. I'm not in any great hurry to see them off, I loved having my boys at home and they grow so quickly that I want to savour each step of the way.

They are both so different in personality as well as looks. Mia is now 7cm taller than Lily and on the 97th percentile, Lily on the 55th. They play together so well which is a blessing because most of the time they just amuse themselves and their little games are so funny. Even though twins are a lot of hard work early on, they're easier now because there's always someone to play with.

In sad news, son Matt's old dog Macca had to be put down, after nearly 15 years of joyful participation in life. He was a wonderful dog, full of fun and the most positive attitude and he adored people of every description. Matt originally wanted him as a guard dog and was sorely disappointed by his love of humanity.

They used to live near a hall where meetings were held and Macca started attending each one, doing circuits of the room to welcome them all, like a character from a James Herriot story. So he had to be restrained on those nights, to his disgust.

I didn't put it on the blog but Pippi also died a year ago.  We still have Keryn's Dolly who is an old lady of 10.(I think) She  has moments of craziness and tearing around but most of the time she dozes in the sun, with the cat for company.

This is the last picture of Macca, and the only time I ever patted him that he didn't wag his tail, he was so miserable. We knew it was time. 

We could all learn a lot from his attitude to life.


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