Monday, December 12, 2016

I thought I would have had my Garden Party finished by now, but life is getting so busy that my own projects have been put on the back burner for a while. Once  Christmas is over things should calm down a bit.

I sewed the remaining triangles and added them to the centre so at least that is all in one piece. I've chosen fabrics for the borders and cut them out, so that's ready to go.

Today I trimmed all the triangles around the edge and I'll try to sneak in some sewing, even if it's just one border at a time until I can cross this off the list. It's been such a fun project to do, but I want this finished before the end of the year.

 It's hard to believe that soon we'll be contemplating another year ending and deciding what our goals will be for 2017, gosh this year went quickly!


Sue SA December 13, 2016  

The orange is just perfect in this quilt. Hope the endless parcels and cards are all delivered soon and we have consistant 25C for perfect sewing and gardening weather!

Gretchen Weaver December 13, 2016  

This quilt is so pretty. I am being tempted to start this pattern! Blessings, Gretchen

gayle December 14, 2016  

Oh, it's gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!
I've got mine partially quilted (it got bumped aside to make way for holiday sewing), but looking at it and at yours, I'm soooo tempted to make another. I really love this pattern!

Karen December 16, 2016  

You made progress even if not as much as you wanted. My projects took a back burner too so I could make a few small Christmas gifts. I am not good at reviewing and setting goals at the end of the year. I just go with the flow.

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