Friday, March 06, 2015

 I've finished eighty of my large sq in sq blocks and I threw them up on the design wall. I like the variations in the blues; none of them are anything other than mid value but some of the fabrics seem quite dark next to the paler ones. I drove myself mad over a two day period, arranging and then rearranging so that I didn't have the same fabrics next to each other. In the end I had to ignore ones that were adjacent diagonally or I would have ended up rocking in a corner muttering "They're touching, they're touching....." Therein lies madness. No doubt when I've got two more seams to sew I'll find some pair that I've overlooked, but I've had enough!
 I've sewn a chunk of sixteen blocks together and I like the effect of disappearing stars here and there. I'm looking forward to getting these set into one piece, and as we have a long weekend coming up I'm hoping I can cross this off the list.
 I have a nagging suspicion that it's going to end up too small for my liking, but if I decide to make more there is still  plenty of this mid blue to cut up.

I treated myself to a new book the other day, Sujarta Shah's   Cultural Fusion Quilts. I can hardly wait to try some of the techniques in here, my mind is buzzing with ideas already. But first I have to finish some of the other projects that I'm working on, or I'll be swamped.

Inspired by the four-patch madness infecting blogland I dug out an old project using shedloads of the little beggars and I'm using them as Leader-enders. That makes about five things I'm working on at the same time and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. This weekend should be a good time to get at least two of them finished to the top stage, so that's my little challenge to myself. Let you know how that pans out.....


Nancy Anne in the Finger Lakes March 06, 2015  

Oh, my. Had to laugh out loud over the whole "sitting in a corner and muttering 'they're touching, they're touching' " image!! Thanks for a good laugh to start the day!

Karen March 07, 2015  

I see you are still playing with blues. Fun to look at the piece and see stars here and there.

Mary Johnson March 07, 2015  

I had to go buy the Kindle version of that quilt book ... There are several I'd like to try in there so thanks for the link.

Anonymous,  March 23, 2015  

Love your blues! I can't say how many 4-patches I've sewn, but there are still a lot of squares left from several years ago, waiting their turn. =)

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