Monday, January 26, 2015

I just remembered that I have a finish I haven't shared with you. I was sewing the blocks for the border as leader-enders during the last few weeks , but I quickly realised that it would take me forever that way. There are nearly as many 16 patch blocks in the border as there are in the body of the quilt. So I made this my major project and sewed like crazy to get it done.
 I love the big checkerboard block in the corners, it almost looks like the piecing is the background and the blue squares are floating on it.

I wasn't quite sure that my idea of using the navy print as a constant along the edge would work, but I think it added a special touch. Sometimes you just have to take a chance on these decisions, because I didn't know if I liked it right up to when I sewed the first side on. I just knew that I wasn't making  those blocks again, even if I hated it!

Friday, January 23, 2015

 I put the borders on my pastel Sprinkles top, and it looks very soft and pretty. I love the satisfaction of finishing something so quickly, and as a bonus I get to mark another project Done.
 I've never been one to sew small projects, but I've decided I'd like to have some little quilts and perhaps doll quilts on hand.

I had twelve blue blocks made with patterned backgrounds, so I set them together as a little doll quilt.
 It was great fun choosing settings and border fabrics from the fat quarter drawers instead of needing yardage. And because only one or two nights of sewing are invested in these tiny projects, I don't feel they have to be perfect, which is liberating too.
I'd like to say  there were no more blocks in the box marked "Little Cross blocks", but there's another pile of dark blue and cheddar ones too. They're an ongoing project, so I won't be finishing them any time soon, but it makes me realise how many variations and looks one block can have. There just isn't time to try them all, another reason to experiment with smaller tops, I suppose. I'm having fun anyway, and that's the main purpose...
Izzy now has two teeth and can sit up by herself; she's the cutest  thing ever. I'm amazed she leaves her headbands on, she just seems to ignore them for the most part. What a little darling....

Monday, January 19, 2015

 Sewing time has been limited just lately but I managed to set these small blocks together. I think I sewed them about two years ago as leader-enders, and then they went into a box, which is a fairly common occurance around here.

It only took half a metre of the blue setting fabric, as the blocks themselves are 4" unfinished. This will end up as a cot quilt, and Keryn has called it "Sprinkles", as the little coloured pieces reminded her of cake decorations. I have the borders cut out, and hope to sew them on tonight.

I've been using these brown 2" squares as leader-enders, making the border blocks to finish this quilt. I'm so sick of them I think I'll have a huge push and finally get them out of the way. I have three sides sewn on, so only one more to do.
 No more brown for a few weeks please.....

Monday, January 05, 2015

 In the last week of December I finished this little wallhanging. It was originally going to be a bed sized quilt when I started it many, many years ago. My middle son Robert was six months old, and he's nearly 31 now! Hard to believe that this has been hanging around for so long- it was well and truly time to do something about it.

I was trying to make it look like an antique quilt, but reproduction fabric had never been heard of, and it was hard  to find cotton fabric at all. There are a few poly blends in here, which is one of the reasons it was abandoned when better fabric became available.  When I decided not to add any more rows Keryn helped with sewing extra bits to square it off, and then it was relegated to the cupboard, where it matured quietly.

 I added the two borders and it's now about 35" by 45", so just a small finish, but it feels good to have this done. I've picked out backing fabric and I'll make the binding straight away, but I haven't decided yet whether to hand quilt it or not. It's too blanking hot to even think about quilting at the moment, so it can go back in the cupboard for a little bit longer....

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Another year begins.....

We've been very busy with family commitments, so the blog has been rather neglected lately. Keryn reminded me today that this will be our tenth year of blogging; I can't quite believe that. There have been so many things I haven't written about that I feel quite sad - I did want this to be more of a journal than the sporadic posting I've been guilty of this-oops, last year.

So of course my New Years Resolution is to be more dedicated to recording my days, whether they seem noteworthy or not. I was going to include some photos of recent sewing, but when I went to download the images from the camera the blinking cord has disappeared, and I don't know where it is. So here's a photo of a slightly puzzled looking Izzy (probably wondering where that cord is too) and here's to a wonderful brand new year for all of us!

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