Monday, October 27, 2014

 I finished setting together my 16 patch top, and I really like the shimmery effect of the darker and lighter blocks. They are so easy to make, and were a great leader-ender project. I want to start another one, simply because they were such fun to make, and also because I still have lots of 2" squares left over.

I wanted there to be low definition between each pair of fabrics, and sometimes the dark in one block was used for the light in another. I love playing with tone, it's all a question of contrast.

Even the borders are low contrast and muted, but I'd like to try a darker border next time, just to see the difference.

( I don't know why the border is curved in this photo, the breeze was blowing the top a bit I suppose. The top is flat, I assure you..)

I decided a while ago that I'd like to finish every project that I started in 2014, and I know I've completed some UFO's, so technically at the end of the year I'd have less things on my list.But wait, I haven't actually made a proper list yet ! I'd better do that first up, before I decide whether it's even possible......

Monday, October 06, 2014

 When I set my blocks together I really like sewing them  into chunks like this instead of long rows. The seams are so much more manageable and the pressing is easier too. I used to hate manhandling every single long row through the machine and the top just got more and more unweildy. Sewing them this way does wonders for my temper and it seems to go quicker too. I've since finished setting these 16 patch blocks and now I have to choose a border.

I decided to put the final border on this paisley album top the other day, and I had fun looking at all the fabrics again.
 Not all of them are paisleys, some are just large patterned fabric I wanted to use, but they all work well together.

I think this is finished, it probably doesn't need another border, so later I'm going to weigh it and add the yardage to my "used" total. I'm very casual about this, but it's nice to have a rough estimate.

So far this year I've used 50 metres, but that's only in totally finished tops. I've sewn so many blocks that aren't put together yet that it's probably twice as much in reality. But I don't get to count it until the tops completely done, that's my rule.

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