Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm having dreadful computer woes, and am in the process of having a new one built. I'm limping along on the old one, but everything takes ages to load and then freezes or just shuts down. Grrr!I really wanted to blog about my first quilt on Bonnies blog, but I can only refer to an old post as resizing photos and trying to blog here is beyond my ailing technology. I would have liked to show you the first quilt I made entirely on my own, without help from Keryn, but I don't even know where the poor thing is now. Stored at the workshop somewhere, I suppose.

I still love my early quilts, I was so enthusiastic over the whole process. But I guess I would have been thrilled to know that I would one day make my living from finishing other people's quilts, something totally unforeseen back then. Hundreds and hundreds of quilts, and I'm still loving it, that says something....!


Andrea November 28, 2011  

I remember that posting of your Irish chain quilt - lovely to look back and great story behind it. Hope you get your pc probs sorted soon. Did the fabric arrive yet ? xx

Meggie December 01, 2011  

I am just hoping that I can get back into making quilts again. It seems my life has been on hold for the past 3 years, and with Gom passing away, and now my knee replacement I am thinking perhaps I will 'live' again.
Life is strange, with the twists we never see coming.

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