Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I couldn't resist any longer, I decided to focus on the piecing of Bonnie's Garden Party. I was having far too much fun with this pattern, so when I finished a couple of other projects I let myself go and started setting it together.

I pieced a centre square first, and now I'm adding the corners, which cuts down on those horrible long seams that go from one side of the top to the other. It won't be long now until this is in one piece and then I can worry my head about the borders. I think it needs something extra, but I'm not sure exactly what.

I love this part, when you can see it's all working and the end is coming up quickly. So much of my sewing seems to be endlessly slogging away and making slow progress. Soon both my design walls will be empty, and that means deciding on two more projects to attack. It feels good!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

 The Wedding Ring turned out great, but there was a lot of quilting in this one. I don't like quilts that are micro stippled or pebbled; this density is enough in my book. I didn't have enough time to get good photos before it was picked up and the light wasn't co-operating.

I had fun doing the repeating design in the middle of the rings,

but the border was another type of fun. Lots of feathers to fill in some very weird shapes.

I had to completely bind it as well, and it overwhelmed the tables, and seemed to go on forever.

I had nine binding strips, which I thought would be enough, but this happened.

Fortunately I had the fabric to cut another strip- I only needed about 6" extra, but had to unpick some of the already sewn down binding so that I could position the joins further away from each other. I didn't care at that stage- the end was in sight! I turned the binding and sewed it down  by machine, which seemed another marathon effort, but finally it was completely done, in time to be picked up for the wedding a week later. I hoped they liked it.

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