My Pastel Strippy top is a bit hard to photograph because the white borders are lost against the design wall. You'll just have to imagine you can see where they end.
This isn't a big quilt, it should fit a double bed nicely, and hopefully I can do some great feathers in all those white strips. I'm very glad to have this crossed off the list, I think I started it in 2012.
On Sunday we had a picnic at Wirrabera Forest, slowly recovering from the devastating bushfires two years ago. It will never be the lovely spot it was, but it was still nice to show Izzy the trees and paths for the first time.
She walked off and stood calling "An-mals! Where are you? You hiding?" After a visit to a childrens zoo recently I think she expected kangaroos and possums and who knows what to come out and greet her.
She did some log walking, helped by Mum and Dad, and then we went for a walk, taking it in turns to carry her.
There was so much fine powdery soil/ash and so many obstacles that we didn't go far, the tracks aren't really pleasant or easy to negotiate any more.
Still we had a lovely day in the sunshine and enjoyed each other's company.
She'll be two at the end of next month, gosh that time has flown....