Saturday, December 05, 2015

I finished my split ninepatch top, but lost my camera after I'd taken photos ready to blog about it. A friend gave it back to me today, and I can't even remember using it at her house, so I never would have thought to ask if it was there. Phew! I'd hate to have lost it completely.

I just can't get the greens to show up nicely, they either look dead and cold or yellow. You'll have to imagine them somewhere in between. The top does look very Christmassy.

I decided to use two red fabrics for a tiny 3'4" finished border, and then a 3" finished green scrappy border. The greens were sewn into units measuring 6 1/2" long, then a red skinny strip added to one side. I just had to count the blocks along the edges of the top, make that number of units and the border fitted perfectly. In the corners I used a green square with a flippy corner to give a touch of red and I was all done.

I'd love to quilt this in time for Christmas, but the customer quilts have to be dealt with first. I'm really pleased to have this done, being able to link up to Jo's posts was a great incentive to finally finish this up.

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