Sunday, September 20, 2015

 Here are some photos of a customer's William Morris top I quilted about a month ago ( pattern by Michelle Hill).

I've done quite a few of these over the years, and even though they are labour intensive, they're always rewarding to  quilt. They look so spectacular afterwards it's worth all the ditch stitching!

I'm pretty sure I'll never make one, but that's ok because plenty of other  people are. I picked up another top yesterday in a different pattern, so I'm looking forward to finishing that.

Sorry for the poor lighting in the photos, I was trying to get the quilting to show up.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

  We seem to have all come down with colds or other ailments.  I spent two days looking after Izzy when her parents were sick, which means I'm behind with customer quilting now. I'll have to put some extra hours in there, and it means I can't sew on my own projects as much as I want to. Keryn and I still have the awful cold that lingers on and on, it doesn't seem right to be coughing and sniffing when it's beautiful spring weather outside.

   I finally got back to this little top when I felt a bit more human.  I found a heap of four patches in the container of little blocks and decided to enlarge the centre by adding two rows around the square in squares. It almost has the effect of a border, subtle but effective.

Then I added a 1 1/2" light strip, a 3 1/2" blue strip, and nine patches in the corners.

I wasn't sure about the corner treatments, as the top isn't symmetrical. I decided to just go with it, they balance each other even if they aren't mirror images. (There's probably a term for this sort of symmetry but I can't remember it.)

I can live with it!

I was successful in using up all the blue fabric, I have just enough to do the binding and then it will be out of my stash. I enjoy making small tops for a change, it's nice to see a finish after some of the large projects I've been working on.

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