The first two days of the Easter break have been spent doing a customer quilt and painting the shed. I went up and down the ladder so many times that my legs are really hurting today, but I consider it a workout. Like a step machine, but cheaper. We should be able to finish the last little bit next week, and then Lookout!!! We'll be moving loads of stuff to set the workshop up. I'm hoping we can make it a bit pretty too; we weren't able to decorate the back of the hall. but now we can pull out some gorgeous little things and hopefully be able to hang quilts too. I can hardly wait.
I even went through the project boxes and found this set of blocks I made about six years ago. I wanted to set them on point with an alternate square, but I ran out of the cream homespun I'd used. I ferreted around in the cream drawer and found a similar fabric, so I want to work out the requirements now and start cutting.
I was looking for this set of hand-pieced blocks, as I thought I might set these together next. I got such a kick out of working on the Devil's Claw that I'd like to keep the momentum going on these old projects. So I'll be playing around with settings for these- they're all made from vintage fabric so I'll have to find a fairly big piece if I want it to be authentic. Looks like I'll be pulling out all the vintage stuff soon.
We were in the supermarket the other day and I heard a little boy calling excitedly "Nana! Nana!!" and it sounded so much like Logan I felt a real pang. Oh, I miss them, it's so special to have little people in my life again.
Isn't it amazing the difference two years can make?
Max looks a bit doubtful about the whole thing, that brother is a bit full on for him!