Monday, February 06, 2012

It was so lovely to see my immediate family at the wedding too. Rob, Elisa and Logan came over from New South Wales, a long drive of about 1500 kilometres and John and Liz were there from Adelaide. Keryn and her daughter Seonaid were with us too, and we accidentally stayed up until 4.30am, talking about our memories.I was quite horrified when I saw the time, but it was a great night.It was special being all together, and in this photo you can also see my MIL who is nearly 90 and was still on the dance floor at ten thirty that night. Talk about stamina!
Unfortunately Logan wasn't feeling his best, and while he was very well behaved he wasn't his normal cheery self. There were plenty of people to cuddle him,
and give him kisses and hugs.
He took a fancy to his mum's purse, and that kept him happy for a while but it didn't really match his tie. His outfit caused a lot of comment; he looked so darn cute in it and he must feature in dozens of photos.After the ceremony he went for a walk up the hill with his mum and dad and I took this photo. What a lucky little boy to have such loving parents, and how fortunate they are to have a beautiful son to love.We barely had a day to settle from that trip when more upheaval followed- John and Liz have teaching jobs in Pt Pirie and moved up here to live. They will only be thirty minutes away, so we will see lots more of them. I'm thrilled about that, and already we're planning things to do with them.Our social life will be a bit busier from now on....

Friday, February 03, 2012

Last weekend saw us making our way to Victor Harbor for a family wedding. It was held on the family farm above Pt Eliott, and it was wonderful to visit the in-laws again and catch up with everyone. This view never fails to take the breath away, the coast stretching away to Goolwa and the Coorong in the distance.

The ceremony was held under these huge gumtrees and the weather obliged by being not too hot, or windy.
A piper played the bride and her father down to the waiting wedding party, and it was very evocative in this lovely setting. I'm a fan of bagpipes, being one quarter Scots myself, but I noticed that some people in the vicinity moved a lot further away when he started playing again!

I won't post close-ups of people because I didn't ask for permission, but I thought you might like to see the table set up for signing the register- a nice old Singer treadle base.

Later on there was a pattering of rain, and then a beautiful soft sunset that could have been made to order. There will be some spectacular wedding photos from this day.

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